Process of Strike off of Company | JustStart

Closing down a company is a significant decision that entrepreneurs might have to face at some point. Whether due to strategic shifts, financial challenges, or other reasons, the process of striking off a company in India involves several steps. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to help businesses navigate the intricate process of company closure.

Assessment and Decision-Making:

Before initiating the strike off, assess the financial standing of the company. If the business is unsustainable or no longer aligns with the founders' vision, it might be time to consider closure.

Board Resolution:

The company's board must pass a resolution recommending the strike off. This resolution should be recorded and kept as part of the company's official records.

Clearance of Liabilities:

Settle all outstanding dues, liabilities, and debts. Clearances from creditors, banks, and other stakeholders are crucial. This step ensures a clean slate before the company is struck off.

Tax Compliance:

Ensure that all tax obligations, including GST and income tax, are met. Obtain a tax clearance certificate to confirm that the company has no pending tax liabilities.

Approval from Shareholders:

Hold a general meeting with shareholders to obtain their approval for the strike-off process. A special resolution is typically required for this purpose.

Application Filing:

Prepare and file the necessary strike-off application with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The application should include the board resolution, shareholder approval, and other required documents.

Publication of Notice:

Publish a public notice in a widely circulated newspaper announcing the intention to strike off the company. This is to provide an opportunity for any objections to be raised.

Verification by Authorities:

The Registrar of Companies (RoC) will verify the application and may request additional information or clarification. It is crucial to respond promptly to any queries raised by the RoC.

Strike Off Approval:

If the RoC is satisfied with the application, they will issue a notice stating the company's name will be struck off. The company is then dissolved, and its assets, if any, are deemed to be owned by the government.

Post-Strike Off Compliance:

Even after strike off, certain compliances may be necessary, such as filing final returns and surrendering the company's PAN and TAN.


Striking off a company involves a meticulous process to ensure a smooth and legally compliant closure. Entrepreneurs should navigate each step carefully, seeking professional advice when necessary, to conclude this chapter of their business journey responsibly. By following this comprehensive guide, businesses can streamline the strike-off process and transition into the next phase of their entrepreneurial endeavors.

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