What Are Examples of Trademark Infringement?

Trademark infringement refers to the unauthorized use of a trademark or a similar mark that creates confusion among consumers.

Examples include using a Trademark Registration Online without permission, manufacturing or selling counterfeit products bearing a trademark, diluting the distinctiveness of a famous mark, registering or using confusingly similar domain names, unauthorized use of logos or branding, and comparative advertising that misleads consumers.

It is crucial to protect your trademark through proper registration to enforce your rights and take legal action against potential infringers. Know How to Apply for Trademark Registration Online in India within easy steps but after clicking on the anchor text you will be redirected to its trademark registration India blog section.

  • Using a registered trademark without permission or a license is a clear example of trademark infringement.
  • Manufacturing and selling counterfeit products with another company's trademark is a direct violation of trademark rights.
  • Creating confusion among consumers by using a similar or confusingly similar mark to an existing trademark constitutes trademark infringement.
  • Registering or using domain names that are identical or confusingly similar to a trademarked brand can lead to trademark infringement claims.
  • Unauthorized use of a company's logos, slogans, or branding elements without permission can result in trademark infringement accusations.

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